Total war shogun 2 fall of the samurai cheat engine
Total war shogun 2 fall of the samurai cheat engine

total war shogun 2 fall of the samurai cheat engine

Which gots me thinking, what if all of the archons scale off of different things, and only one archon scales off of the normal stuff. none of them are the basic stack crit and atk

total war shogun 2 fall of the samurai cheat engine total war shogun 2 fall of the samurai cheat engine

Which means none of the archons scale normally. Venti - scales off elemental mastery (at least that's how you maximize his sworl dmg) Hello, i am here to offer thoughts before i forget them emphasizing that she at least for a large part is just there for the raiden shogun #aka make her nuanced #the closest thing they get to nuance in female characters in story quests is kinda ei but also not really #and all the waifu bullshit really takes away from a lot of the interest in characters like mona and lisa #also i feel like from a marketing standpoint women with personalities might be better but idk #ive been thinking abt it cause a mutual of mine was posting about it #and really a lot of the female characters lack emphasis on their lore/personalities in favor of uwu hot and cute #and i think? it might be getting better with raiden shogun pt 2 and yae mikos but idk well see in sumeru #but also it is still a problem cause with the difference btwn raiden shogun quests you just feel like you missed smth #genshin impact #random me stuff: fandom edition #just her <3 #also mihoyo massacreing her character during the archon quest and kinda her story quest #her story quest would have played off her character SO much better if we got a bit more of her being tactical and cold during it #or during archin quest #or just like.

Total war shogun 2 fall of the samurai cheat engine